In 2023, all two-day riders must raise a minimum of $500 and all one-day riders $250 to participate in the AV200. Not to worry! Few, if any, serious participants have failed to meet this minimum.
For some, asking for money is far more daunting than riding 200 miles. For others, fundraising is practically second nature. Regardless, raising money for our beneficiaries is the primary focus of the AV200. Without our riders and the donations they secure, our partners could not make the significant impact they're making in stopping HIV/AIDS!
We understand asking friends, family and associates for money may put you out of your comfort zone. But consider the 35 million people affected by HIV/AIDS. Think of the daily challenge this disease presents for them. When you look at the challenges the Ride's "ask" and "task" present, they pale in comparison to the struggle most face when living with HIV/AIDS.
To make you as successful as possible in your fundraising efforts, fundraising workshops will be provided for any rider needing a bit more confidence asking for support!
As a further enticement, participants will be eligible for the following at each fundraising milestone and can build their full AV200 kit:
- $500 – AV200 socks (minimum goal)
- $1,000 – AV200 jersey
- $1,500 – AV200 shorts or bib
- Top 10 Fundraisers – Famed AV200 “yellow” jersey
Happy Fundraising!