AV200 Rider Profile: John Brown


1. Why do you ride?

I ride for several reasons — fitness, sanity, camaraderie…but mainly because I love this organization and the changes it is making in world.

2. What is your best memory of a past AV200 ride?

“Best?”….Hmmmm, strongest memory is sitting in a ditch at 9am Sunday during a horrendous thunderstorm in the middle of nowhere Georgia. I figured if I could live through that, 200 miles is cake. Favorite memory….I think my favorite thing to recall is each year’s finish on Sunday — so happy, so tired, such a great feeling of accomplishment.

3. Tell us about 1 lasting friendship or relationship that you’ve made on the ride and give us a little detail about the relationship (platonic or romantic)?

It’s no secret that I met my current boyfriend through the ride!

4. Do you know of anyone else who isn’t on the board that has a great story to share about the ride or training for it (romance, weight loss, overcoming fear on the bike, dedicating the ride to someone, etc.)? If so, can you provide me with their contact info?

Ray Deeb and Jerry Gonzales both have great stories…first time riders, raised record amounts.